An Unexpected Gem: Saw Ten Delivers a Much-Needed Revival for the Franchise

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of watching the highly anticipated Saw Ten (Saw X), and I must say, it exceeded my expectations! 🔪💥 As a long-time fan of the Saw franchise, with the first movie being one of my all-time favorite horror films, I was excited to see how this installment would measure up. And boy, did it deliver!🌟 Directed by Kevin Greutert, Saw X brings back Tobin Bell as John Kramer, A.K.A Jigsaw, and his apprentice Amanda Young, played by Shawnee Smith. Saw X takes us back to the roots of the franchise, capturing the intensity and suspense that made the first movie a classic. It's a refreshing change from some of the previous installments that didn't quite hit the mark.

🎥Here are my key takeaways from Saw Ten:

1️⃣ Fresh and Heartfelt Storytelling: 💔Saw Ten adds an emotional layer by exploring the journey of Jigsaw (John Kramer) battling his own cancer. The story not only focuses on his personal struggle but also highlights the exploitation of hope and desperation by those who scammed him and others dying of cancer. The emotional depth added a new dimension to the film.

2️⃣ Elaborate and Nerve-Wracking Traps:😱 If you're a fan of the intricate and suspenseful traps that the Saw franchise is known for, Saw Ten will not disappoint! The traps in this movie are incredibly elaborate nerve-wracking, and will keep you on the edge of your seat. The level of detail and tension created in each trap is exceptional and adds to the film's overall enjoyment.

3️⃣ Unexpected Twists and Turns: 🔀Saw Ten pulls off some surprising plot twists that genuinely caught me off guard. When you think you have it all figured out, the movie throws a curveball, leaving you with a "wow" moment. The twists keep the audience engaged and guessing until the very end, making for a highly satisfying viewing experience. If you're a fan of the Saw franchise or enjoy well-crafted horror movies, I highly recommend checking out Saw Ten.

It's a refreshing and exciting addition to the series, ranking up there with the first movie in terms of quality.

🌟Let's discuss! Have you seen Saw Ten yet? Go on over to my YouTube review and Share your thoughts and favorite Saw movie in the comments.


Please note: This transcript is auto-generated, so there may be spelling and grammar mistakes.

Hello, everybody. Welcome to today's video. My name is Johanny. If you are new here, welcome. On today's video, I'll be reviewing the movie Saw Ten or Saw X, which came out this weekend. I saw it last night. Sorry if you hear, like, the rain or sirens. I'm filming this by my window because my other camera is not charged.

Some improvising. So it's a little loud here in New York City sometimes. Well, all the time. Anyways, on today's video, I'll be reviewing the movie Saw. I've always been a fan of the Saw franchise. The first one is my absolute favorite. It's one of my favorite horror movies. And after that, I became a fan.

There's been ten. I feel like one and two were good. It just kept going downhill from there. And then the last one that they did was Spiral with Chris Rock. And that one wasn't bad. It was the same thing like a Saw movie, but it was like from the book of Saw. But it wasn't terrible. So I didn't really have high expectations for Saw ten.

I was just going to see it for brand loyalty. I was like, it's a Saw movie. I'm going to go see it. But then I kept hearing positive reviews, so I had a little hope. So I can report back and tell you that I really enjoy Saw Ten. It was way better than I expected it to be. It's way better than any of the other Saw movies. Any of the other seven or eight Saw movies from the last decade or since the first one.

So Saw Ten takes place according to the producers, it takes place between the first one and the second one. It's three weeks after the events of the first one, which is funny because if that's the case, the actors are a lot more older. Like, much older. And after I got home from the theaters, I saw Saw Two just to kind of put me back into that timeline. And Amanda, who's in this movie, in Saw Ten, she looks completely different. I don't know who was doing hair makeup, but they didn't bother to watch Saw Two to get her hair correctly. Because if this movie Saw Ten takes place right in between, her hair should have been at least very similar. But in Saw Ten, she has this really short pixie cut.

And then in Saw Two, she has a short it's like a pixie cut, but her hair is much longer. I was like, they couldn't find a wig. I'm sure there's a wig on Amazon that looks like that one from Saw Two. Anyways. And then I think Jigsaw actually, he didn't age that much because I was watching Saw Two last night after watching Saw Ten. And he aged maybe like a few years. But he didn't age that much. So good on Mr.

Jigsaw whatever skin routine. He needs to drop his skin routine because he has not aged not one bit. I mean, maybe like a year or two. Anyways, I did really enjoy this story. It brought you back to, like it added a little heart, I felt like, because it's about Jigsaw, john Kramer, he has cancer. We saw that at the end of the movie. He's dying. He's just like, hanging on to hope.

And he finds this treatment facility in Mexico City it's all in the trailer. I'm going to try. If you see us, the whole movie pretty much spoils I mean, the whole trailer pretty much spoils the movie. So he finds this facility in Mexico City that is supposed to cure his cancer. He goes there, pays them $250,000 to only realize that he was scammed. So he enlists his apprentice, Amanda, kidnaps everyone that was involved in his scamming, and tortures them. Well, he gives them a choice live or die. I really enjoyed that.

A lot of the players from this movie, they had a lot of will to live. I think in the previous movies, they are just so in denial about what's happening that they die pretty fast. But I was surprised a lot of them had will to live. The only thing is that they took too long to find the will. Each trap was three minutes and they all spent about a whole minute in denial and crying and screaming for help. And then they realized, all right, let me get to it. And it's always like, at the very last second, that right when they're about to escape the traps, time runs out and they die. But I enjoy that.

Two of them survive. Actually, one survived. Okay, I'm sorry. The ambulance is going by. Let's just wait. Got out of okay. So two of them one of them survived. He got to it right away.

He's like, no, I'm not going to die. He took those traps, but he shoved his arm and then he lived. And then another one survives. But then the doctor who's in the trap, she's like this evil bioch. She ends up killing her after she survives. There's a twist at the end. It got me. He had me.

I was like, what? They had us the first half. I'm not going to lie, because I thought Jigsaw wasn't going to be able to complete his master plan. There's a good twist at the end with one of the doctors and her lover, which had me going for a second. But at the end, Jigsaw survives and he helps a little boy pay his college tuition, which I thought it was wonderful. I really love this one. I think it's up there with the first one. It was really well done. It brought you back to the beginning and they just added emotion to it because you really want these people that took advantage not only of John Kramer who has cancer, they took advantage of 30 other people who were dying of cancer and took all their life savings, just praying on their hope and like, desperation.

So I really like that. I really enjoy the story. It was different than the other ones that had come out since the first one. So I'm pretty sure if there is an eleven, you know what I was thinking. I was watching some videos on YouTube about they were doing like recaps from like one to three, three to four, four to seven, et cetera. And there's a lot of apprentices, Jigsaw apprentice. So I feel like they should do one where it's like Saw Apprentice and maybe have all the apprentice in a trap and somehow Jigsaw convince each one to kidnap the other. And then they all find themselves in different rooms.

Because Jigsaw died, I think, sometime in the past in one movie. And maybe this is like his final test for his apprentice, to see which one is the true predecessor to Jigsaw. I think that would be a good movie. Anyways, I really enjoyed Jigsaw Ten. I'm going to watch all of them. I'm going to try to rank them. I'm going to make a video ranking all of them. But I gave Jigsaw ten three and a half stars.

It was really enjoyable. The traps were really elaborate and nerve wracking and stressful. So I really enjoy what they did with this film. I love that Jigsaw came back and he was in the whole movie. And Amanda too. I really like Amanda. I think she has always been my favorite apprentice. The actress looks very different now.

I mean, it's been 20 years since the first one, but she still looks good. But they did a really good job. And I really enjoyed this one. So I highly recommend it. If you are a fan of the Saw franchise, again, I gave it three and a half stars on my letterbox. If you like to follow me on letterbox, I'm going to leave my profile below so you can follow me. Anyways, thank you so much for watching. If you plan on watching Saw Ten, comment down below and share your thoughts after you watch them.

Or just come back and tell me what you thought about the movie or share below. Which is your favorite Saw movie? Mine is the first one. And now this one. It again, thank you for watching. I hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Until next time. Bye.


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